Rootstech Connect is happening virtually between 25th and 27th February. This is the live event that has previously been held yearly around this time in Salt Lake City Utah, in the US and also recent recent years in London . Join over 200,000 people at the world’s largest celebration of family, culture and heritage
As FamilySearch (and the LDS Church) who are behind the event provide such a significant resource for Caribbean Family History we would like to encourage you to register for Rootstech 2021. Click here for registration. We have decided to allow Rootstech to direct our next meeting on Saturday 27th February and would like to invite you to join us and do the following:
Attend Rootstech – Here is the main link for the event – Just click on it – RootsTech 2021 will be held as a virtual event February 25–27, 2021 . You have to register to attend so please follow the registration process.
Read the attached documents – which are from the website giving an overview of all the sessions and also the main hall timetable of events. See what you would like to attend. Note that you can attend sessions live (we are 5 hours ahead (and note that 12.00am is midnight!
Rootstech Connect 2021 Sessions
Attend our February Meeting to share your findings, your thoughts, key learning points and discussion points to explore from a Caribbean perspective .Our meeting will be at the regular time of 2pm on Saturday 27th February 2021 as ever on Zoom. If talking or having any queries explored by us in group would help you then we will run the meeting for that eventuality. The normal conditions apply of free attendance for members or first time attendees and £5 for one-off attendees who have attended before. Here is the payment link for those that need it : Caribbean Family History group Parish Chest

We hope to see you on 27th February ! Maybe you will find those elusive ancestors!