Our next meeting – 25th June

The next meeting of the Caribbean Family History Group will be on Saturday 25th June at 14.00hrs (BST). This will be a follow up to the DNA101 talk last month, when we hope to discuss the following:

  • how to separate maternal/paternal matches;
  • explain how you investigate relationships;
  • Look at details of tree matches

If you have a DNA success story, and you are happy to share, please bring details to the meeting.

To register for the meeting, please email us here and we will send you a link the day before the meeting. Your first attendance at our meetings is free of charge. Afterwards £5.00 per meeting or £20 annual membership fee. All fees can be paid at the Parish Chest , please click here

We are a collaborative and friendly group, so bring us your challenge and we will do our best to assist. Join us to discover more of your ancestors and how to work on the challenge of your many DNA matches.
