Thank you for attending the meeting of the Caribbean Family History Group on Saturday 26th June. We had interesting and informative talks and we learnt more about the Windrush arrivals here in the United Kingdom. It was an enjoyable and collaborative meeting.
Thank you to Horace Barnes of Why Are West Indians (WAWI) and Dennis Litchmore for their knowledge and personal stories. Ann Marie also talked about how her family moved form the UK to the Caribbean prior to WW2. She also shared records about a ship called ‘Gertrude’ that carried liberated Africans from St Helena to Jamaica in 1861 and the ‘Thetis’ that carried Indentured labour from Calcutta to Jamaica in 1846. Before we finished we had a chance to learn how to access immigration records on
Further Information:
Useful websites –
Book – David Dobson Scots in West Indies to 1612
Ellis Island records –
Caribbean records –
Cuba information –
Our next meeting is on Saturday 31st July at 14.00 hrs (BST). We hope to see you there!