Our meeting on Saturday & future meetings

Thank you for attending the meeting of the Caribbean Family History Group on Saturday 25th September. We would like to extend a warm welcome to all attendees who were researching a variety of islands including Cuba, St Kitts & Nevis, Trinidad, Grenada, Jamaica and St Vincent. Thank you also to our speaker and fellow member Yvette Hewitt who gave an inspirational and extremely informative talk on her family history journey from Trinidad to Canada and USA. We learnt the importance of social history in understanding the migration of our ancestors .

Our next meeting is on Saturday 30th October. In the UK, Black History Month is celebrated in October and we would like to encourage and assist you all in researching your Caribbean Family ancestors. We are offering each member the opportunity of bringing a friend or family member who may be interested in starting their family history and we will guide them through the process. If you have any brick walls or something you would like help with, bring that along too.

There is a change from the previously advertised programme for November and the talk will now be on St Vincent on Saturday 27th November.

There will be no meeting in December. Make a note of these dates – more details to follow.
