Family History Show
Our July Research Meeting
Our meeting this month is tomorrow Saturday 27th July on Zoom at 14.00hrs (BST). We will be talking about our research techniques and sharing different ways of finding that elusive ancestor. Please bring your research queries to the meeting or if you prefer email us beforehand and we will endeavour to help you. It is …
July Research Meeting
Our meeting this month is on Saturday 27th July on Zoom at 14.00hrs (BST). We will be talking about our research techniques and sharing different ways of finding that elusive ancestor. Please bring your research queries to the meeting or if you prefer email us beforehand and we will endeavour to help you. It is …
Windrush Day
To celebrate Windrush Day, today, Saturday 22nd June, we are once again assisting the National Maritime Museum with their celebratory events. Members of our committee will be giving a talk on researching your Caribbean ancestors and will be available to assist and answer any questions. Please have a look at the website for further information …
June Research meeting
Our June research meeting is this Saturday 29th June at 14.00hrs (BST) . The meeting will be over Zoom. If you have any queries or brick walls you would like help with, please bring them with you on the day . If you prefer you can email your query to this address for further discussion …
June Research meeting
Thank you to those who attended our research meeting on Saturday . Please note our June research meeting will take place on the last Saturday of the month as usual, Saturday 29th June at 2.00pm (BST). More details of content to follow. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Our Windrush Exhibition at NTCG Kingshurst, Solihull
In Celebration of Windrush, the Caribbean Family History Group are exhibiting at NTCG, Gilson Way, (Shenton Walk), Kingshurst, Solihull B37 6BE from 16th to 30th June with a Church service on 23rd June. More details will follow. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Next Research Meeting – Dates for your diary
It was agreed at the Group AGM today that the next research meeting of the Caribbean Family History Group will be on Saturday 1st June and not 25th May . The June research meeting will take place as normal on Saturday 29th June. Both meetings will commence at 2.00pm (BST)as usual. More details of meeting …
Our meeting tomorrow
Our next meeting is tomorrow Saturday 25th November at 14.00 hrs (GMT) . It is not too late to join us for a virtual tour of our exhibition which is currently being displayed at Solihull Core Library. If you have a chance to go along to the library, please visit the exhibition, you will find …
Saturday 25th November meeting
Our next meeting is this Saturday 25th November at 14.00 hrs (GMT) when we will be offering you another chance to see a virtual tour of our exhibition which is currently being displayed at Solihull Core Library. If you have a chance to go along to the library, please visit the exhibition, you will find …