Caribbean Family History group AGM and meeting

Our next meeting will include our AGM and is on Saturday 24th April at 14.00hrs BST via zoom. Our AGM will include:

  1. Welcome and Apologies
  2. Minutes of last AGM and matters arising
  3.  Receiving Reports  from
    1. the Chairperson  
    1. the Treasurer 
    1. other Officers 
  4. Stepping down of existing Core Committee Officers – with thanks
  5. Selecting/Voting in of new Core Committee Officers
  6. Changes to constitution – shared, discussed and voted on prior to incorporation.
  7. Any other business – any other matters or topics deemed relevant

Following the AGM, a representative from Family Search will give an overview of their website followed by Q and A .

Please email us here to register your attendance at the meeting. Membership fees are £20 per year and one off attendance at our meetings is £5.00. Fees can be paid online at the Caribbean Family History Group – Parish Chest.

We hope to see you on Saturday 24th !
