Calling all Barbados & St Kitts and Nevis researchers

The Caribbean Family History Group currently has two island specific research support groups for members – Barbados and St Kitts & Nevis.

As a member you are able to join these groups as a benefit of your membership. Further details below:

The Barbados group’ has been going for a while now .  It is online (using Zoom) as the Barbados records on, like those for Jamaica, are fully viewable online from any computer – so that the original images can be seen.

The St Kitts and Nevis group‘ had its first meeting in May and is due for a second in the next few weeks.  It has to be run from Solihull Library to view the original records online, as the FamilySearch license only allows the original images to be viewed from an LDS Church/FamilySearch Library or from an Associate Library – of which, in the UK, Solihull Library is one.  This meeting is also to be run as our first venture back into face to face meetings combined with Zoom linking to attendees who are abroad.

If you would like to join either of these groups or you would like to enquire about membership, please email here for more information.
